Small-Scale Brickmaking

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

The main objective of technical memoranda is to provide small-scale producers in developing countries with detailed technical information on small-scale technologies, which have been successfully applied in a number of countries, but are not well known outside the latter.

The details..

"Small-Scale Brickmaking" is a technical memorandum published jointly by the International Labour Office (ILO) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation. The book focuses on providing detailed information to small-scale producers in developing countries about producing bricks for low-cost housing. It covers various aspects of brick production such as raw materials selection, quarrying techniques, clay preparation methods and shaping processes.

The first chapter introduces the purpose and objectives of this memorandum while also highlighting its target audience. Additionally, it compares bricks with other building materials used in construction projects worldwide. The following chapters delve into more specific topics like types of clays available for use in brick making; how to test them properly before using them; different methods of winning clay from quarries; transportation options available after mining it out etc.

Other important topics covered include drying techniques that can be employed artificially or naturally depending upon local conditions along with their respective advantages/disadvantages over one another when applied correctly during production cycles - shrinkage rates must also be taken into account here too! Finally there's an overview provided regarding mortars/renderings which are essential components required when constructing buildings made entirely outta bricks!

Overall this book serves as a comprehensive guide to anyone interested in learning about small scale brick-making practices around the world today.

Resource Info

Page count: 216
Size: 28468kb
File Type: pdf


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